Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pre-Spain Post

Well, it is almost time to embark on the most exciting, yet most demanding trip of my life thus far. One week from today I will be immersed into the Spanish culture, where I will have to eat, drink, and sleep the Spanish language.

It's a good thing I love the Spanish language.

I already have most of the things I need; I just need to pack them up and get organized! I plan to go with minimal clothes in my suitcase and return with suitcase stocked full of Spain souvenirs! 

I am super excited to get there, and improve my Spanish. I hope that I come back able to honestly say that I can speak Spanish fluently! 


Triana is the place I have been assigned to live in while I am there. There is one lady who lives there, by herself. A lot of bullfighters, flamenco dancers, and musicians came from Triana. Triana is kind of a city of their own. They are connected to Seville by a bridge. This bridge was designed by the same guy who designed the Eiffel Tower. Interesting, huh? 

That's it for now. Next time I post, I will be in Spain!